Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Discipline

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Honorable adjudicators of speech contest
Respectable the committees of this competition
Dear Audiences
First of all, let’s pray unto our God Allah SWT, who has sent his blessing and mercy, so we can attend this meeting in safe and sound.
Secondly, sholawat and salam may be given to our great prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, and his friend and also for his followers. May Allah SWT give prosperous to them. 
Happy audiences, ladies and gentlemen
Have you ever been late?
Coming late is one of example undiscipline behavior. It can make many problems in our life. So it is important to build a strong foundation with discipline, because it can protect us from bad behavior that distrubs our bright future. So in this occation, I will explain the definition of discipline and how to make easy practicing discipline.
Happy audiences
Discipline is the ability to force yourself to do something what you should do, whether you like it or not. Discipline cannot be acquired from books and learnt from teachers but It is from yourself. Discipline teachs a good moral lesson to build your character. For instances, It leads a productive and acceptable lifestyle through competence, self-control, and self-direction.
Well, ladies and gentlemen
How do you practice discipline in your life easily? The answer is comes from yourself, if you think you can, you can. Think and realize how important to develop discipline. For example; get up early and reduce the habit of watching TV too much. Let’s lead ourselves become a discipline person by listing of what we want to do, so everything that we do has been scheduled.
Dear audiences, I have talked about the definition and the implementation of discipline. Discipline is doing something on time that has been scheduled. So, our life is well organized. Remember “Time is money, do it now or you are failed”.
Thank you very much for your lovely attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.