Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts


 Ujian praktik adalah tahapan ujian yang harus dilalui oleh peserta didik kelas 9 guna memenuhi persyaratan kelulusan di sekolah. berikut soal dan kisi - kisi ujian praktik atau assessmen performa kelas 9 semester 2 pelajaran BAHASA INGGRIS.

I.     Standar Kompetensi (KI)





Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya serta Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, percaya diri, peduli, dan bertanggung jawab dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, dan kawasan regional.



Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif pada tingkat teknis dan spesifik sederhana berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, dan kenegaraan terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.



Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang teori

II.    Kompetensi Dasar:

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyatakan harapan, doa, dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya


III. Indikator:

·  Menirukan beberapa contoh percakapan, dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar


IV. Materi Pokok

Teks narrative

V.    Penilaian

Jenis Tagihan                     : Ujian Praktik

Bentuk istrumen                : Penugasan

VI. Soal

Ø  Narrative text

Contoh teks:


One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. "Just the thing to quench my thirst," quoted the fox. Taking a few steps backward, the fox jumped but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces backward, ran, and tried to reach them but he still failed.

Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, "They're probably sour anyway," and proceeded to walk away.



The Sun Bear (Helarctos Malayanus) is a small bear and even the smallest of the eight types of bears in the world. The sun bear is a typical animal of Bengkulu Province. 

In addition to its relatively small size, the sun bear’s fur tends to be short, smooth but shiny and black.  In general, his eyes are black or blue with a relatively wider nose but not as muzzle as other bears.

The dwelling of this animal is in a primary forest or secondary forest that is commonly used as an agricultural area. Sun bears are common in trees with a height of 2-7 meters. 

Sun bears are omnivorous animals that can eat anything like fruit, sun, birds, etc. These animals are protected as their numbers continue to decline due to their changing habitat.



Helarctos malayanus atau beruang madu merupakan beruang berukuran kecil bahkan yang terkecil di antara delapan jenis beruang di dunia. Beruang madu merupakan hewan khas Provinsi Bengkulu. 

Selain ukurannya yang relatif kecil, bulu beruang madu ini juga cenderung pendek dan halus, namun berkilau dan warnanya hitam.  Secara umum, matanya berwarna hitam atau biru dengan hidung relatif lebih lebar namun tidak terlalu moncong seperti beruang lainnya.

Tempat tinggal hewan ini berada di hutan primer atau hutan sekunder yang biasa dipakai sebagai area pertanian. Beruang madu biasa berada di pohon dengan ketinggian 2-7 meter. 

Beruang madu merupakan hewan omnivora yang dapat memakan apa saja seperti buah, madu, burung dan lainnya. Hewan ini termasuk yang dilindungi karena jumlahnya terus menurun akibat habitatnya yang berubah.


NOT ONLY BUT ALSO - Ketika kita belajar bahasa Inggris kita kerap menemukan suatu kata yang penggunaannya memiliki beberapa aturan dalam sebuah kalimat. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas tentang penggunaan not only but also. Karena Not only but also ini sering kita temui dalam percakapan sehari - hari. 

Not only dan But also merupakan correlative conjunction atau paired conjunction. Not only, but also, bisa dipakai untuk menghubungkan 2 clauses/kalimat, akan tetapi kedua clause tersebut haruslah pararel seperti contoh di atas: “she’s beautiful” dan “ she’s brave”. 

Biasa kalimat yang menggunakan Not only dan But also memiliki format seperti berikut:

1.    Not only….. but also……

2.    …. Not only……but also…..


  • Not only fast but also clean (Tidak hanya cepat tetapi juga bersih)
  • John is Not only handsome But also diligent (John tidak hanya tampat tetapi juga rajin)

Contoh Kalimat:

1.    Lily eats not only string beans but also broccoli (Lily makan tidak hanya buncis, tetapi juga brokoli).

2.    The candidates campaigned not only in Iowa but also in New Hampshire. (Calon berkampanye tidak hanya di Iowa, tetapi juga di New Hampshire)

3.    They need not only food but also shelter (Mereka membutuhkan tidak hanya makanan, tetapi juga tempat penampungan).

4.     She is not only rich but also benefactor. (Dia tidak hanya kaya tetapi juga  dermawan).

5.    My uncle not only brought me to the city but also found a good job for me. (Paman saya tidak hanya membawa saya ke kota tetapi juga menemukan pekerjaan yang baik bagi saya)

6.    He ate not only shrimp but also cocktail sauce. (Ia makan tidak hanya udang, tetapi juga saus koktail).

7.    He is not only a great swimmer, but also a great musician. (Dia tidak hanya baik dalam berenang,tetapi juga bagus dalam bermusik)



Srikaya plant is one of the most recognizable fruit and also popular in various regions, this plant can be found in rocks, and also dry soil. This fruit crop of srikaya originated from HINDIA BARAT, which spread to various regions to date.

Srikaya plant is useful to cure and treat various diseases in the body, because the content contained in the roots, stems, leaves and fruit can be utilized properly. In addition, this plant also contains compounds such as flavonoids, phenolics, coumarin, steroids and saponins which is very helpful to overcome various health problems body. Based on botanical experts, this crop can be classified and morphology of these srikaya are as follows.

Classification of srikaya plant

Classified : Plantae ( Plant )

Sub Classified : Tracheobionta(Furry plant)

Super divisi : Spermatophyta (Produce seeds)

Divisi : Magnoliopsida (Flowering plants)

Class : Magnoliopsida (In double pieces)

Sub Class : Magnoliidae

Ordo : Magnoliales

Famili Annonaceae

Genus : Annona

Spesies : Annona squamosa L.

This plant grows with shrubs, live long, with a height reaching 2-4 m. Roots riding, woody, stems, cylindrical, erect grayish, have thin skin, rough surface, branching a lot with the direction of branches tilted up. Leaves single plant, short-stem, arranged alternating hose, green, elongated with 6-17 cm with width of 0,6 – 0,75 cm, a thin rigid leaf tip and tapered base, the edges of merat, pinnate spindle with smooth surface. Pollen is many, clustered, white and less than 1,6 cm in length. Pistil is light green, each pistil forms a kind of wart, Its length is about 1,3 – 1,9 cm with width 0,6 – 1,3 cm growing into fruit groups.

The flower of this single plant, growing on the axillary of leaves and the tip of the stem, stemmed, has a yellowish-green petals. In addition, the fruits of this plant are pseudo, round pursed green with a diameter of 5-10 cm, uneven surface or no bulge, with flat-shaped or small pieces of shiny black, this plant can bear fruit at age 3-5 years with multiplication in generative(through seed).



The Peacock, Pavo cristatus (Linnaeus), the national bird of India. It is symbolic of qualities like beauty, grace, pride and mysticism. Peacocok is a colourful, swan-sized bird, with a fan-shaped crest of feathers, a white patch under the eye and a long, slender neck.
The male of the species is more colourful than the female, with a glistening blue breast and neck and a spectacular bronze-green train of around 200 elongated feathers it is able to expand its tail erect like fan as ostentatious display. The female is brownish, slightly smaller than the male, and lacks the train. These birds do not sound as beautiful as they look they have a harsh call. The elaborate courtship dance of the male, fanning out the tail and preening its feathers is a beautiful sight. The peacock is widely found in the Indian sub-continent from the south and east of the Indus river, Jammu and Kashmir, east Assam, south Mizoram and the whole of the Indian peninsula. Found wild in India (and also domesticated in villages) they live in jungle lands near water. They were once bred for food but now hunting of peacocks is banned in India. It is fully protected under the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

Too much of school

When my mom finally decided to take that plum posting as a Divisional
Head, I knew I was in trouble. Her office hours stretched way beyond my
school hours. And anyway, I was privy to the many discussions my parents
had about 'Honey, what do we do with the kids?' Well, finally they struck
gold - an educational after school program. Won't that be just grand? Kids
are learning new things while parents are happily minting greenbacks!

The Learning environment

There is often a trap in the words 'after school activities'. One may
easily believe that since these activities are after school, they are not
of much importance. But, one couldn't be more wrong. Research suggests
that children pick up some of their most important skills from after
school programs. That is why children who do not participate in any extra
curricular activities are generally slow and less vibrant.

Successful after school programs

What marks a successful after school program? What are the things that you
should look for when enrolling your child into one such program? Other
than the obvious advantage of learning something new, successful programs
incorporate many things that help the development of the child.

School based after-school programs

In an effort to keep children motivated and safe, the U.S. Government
sets aside a good amount of fund for financing after school programs every
year. A report by the U.S. Department of Education and Justice points out
that after school programs are very effective and is in the interests of
the society as a whole. Interestingly, it was found that Americans liked
providing school-based after school-programs in their community.

Recreational after school programs

After school programs can be divided into 3 broad categories: academic,
recreational and social. Balanced development takes place when there is
compatibility between the physical, mental as well as the educational
achievements of the child.As the name suggests recreational after school
programs are based on a sport or recreation. Some of the more common
physical activities include football, swimming and basketball.Some clubs
offer programs like gymnastics, trekking and hiking. In this case,
youngsters are often given a short class in first-aid class also.

Reading activities

In a world that is slowly but surely turning away from books and getting
glued to monitors or television screens, the importance of developing a
passion for reading cannot be overlooked. Reading is a habit and should be
established when the child is relatively young. What can you do to foster
this habit?

Quirky after school programs

With the growing interest in after school programs shown by the Government
as well as parents, new and hitherto unheard of programs are being
explored. In an attempt to make a child aware of his responsibilities as
an individual and as a citizen, these after school programs make use of a
child's natural curiosity and his irrepressible energy.

Potentials of after school programs

With children becoming the primary focus of society, ways and means to
ensure their safety and development are being researched. The Government
too has pooled in to make a success of such programs. Here are some of the
reasons why after school programs have become so popular:

Over-scheduling kids

Several studies are expressing a growing concern that after school
programs are pressurizing kids to do too much too soon. They point out
that when a child's afternoon is filled with classes, trips, sports and
other forms of organized activities, kids do not really get the time to be
just kids. They are even being deprived of the cherished family time.

Need for after school activities

When children are literally up to their gills with the learning and sport
activities in school, it may seem superfluous to enroll them for after
school activities. In spite of this, after school programs are sprouting
up in large numbers and most of these are booked full. This shows that
there is a real need for after school activities.

The unavailability of parental supervision is the leading cause for the
surge in after school programs. It is seen that many children spend about
20-25 hours a week unsupervised and alone at home. And as the saying
goes, "An idle mind is a devil's workshop". Children who are left alone
to contend with too much free time invariably fall into the wrong
company. Drug abuse, alcohol, tobacco and crime come knocking at their
doors sooner rather than later. Parents enroll children to various after
school programs to keep them occupied in a productive manner. This way,
the kids are free to enjoy themselves in a supervised activity.

Keeping children motivated

Initial enthusiasm in after school activities tends to wane after the
first excitement is over. This is but natural. The trick is to keep up the
hard work even after this. How do you keep your child motivated? This is
of particular importance when the child goes in for educational after
school programs.

Make the career-academics connection early on:
Let your child understand how important studies are. Let him know that
an excellent career is wholly dependent on wholesome learning. To develop
his interest in studies, plan family activities that are connected with
his studies. Emphasize the real-world connection to academics whenever

How to find after school activities

Start off by making enquiries. Nothing can beat the power of information.
Approach the school authorities first. Find out if they are offering any
after school activities. Get a list of the various classes that are
available in your school. In case the school does not provide any
extracurricular activities for the child, approach your neighbors. Collect
information about any after school programs, the quality of the courses
taught and the timings etc. Also, check out some of the community
resources. These may include places of worship, community centers,
Museums, libraries, the YMCA, The Boys and Girls Club etc.

After you have colleted all the necessary information, discuss the various
options with your child. Find out what his interests are. The best way to
find out what is most suitable is to ask your child. When little children
are too small, you cannot completely rely on their feedback. In this case,
monitor the development of the child on a regular basis. If the child
shows excessive resistance to an activity, it may be necessary to look for
other options. Always consider your family's schedule when planning the
extracurricular activities. If it is difficult for you to chauffeur your
child, you may want to employ tutors at home or conduct some activity at
home itself. (CD langkah mudah meraup dolar lewat internet)

How much is too much?

Should your child go for the football practice 5 days a week? Are 3 days
enough? It is common for parents to be a little confused when it comes to
deciding how much is too much with reference to after school activities.
They argue that since most of the activities are fun (as different from
studies), children will simply lap up these classes. But, too much of fun
can also make a child sick. Here is a simple guide that will help you
decide how much is too much for your child.

Effective after school activities

When there are so many activities on offer, and each one looks as good as
the next, how do you gauge the worth and effectiveness of these
activities? Sure, you want an activity that junior enjoys. But, we really
cannot afford to waste time on pleasure for pleasure's sake, do we? There
needs to be a grain of gold somewhere in there. Given below is a list of
characteristics that any good after school activity must possess.

Developmental after school programs

As a child grows into an adult, different aspects of his physical,
emotional and mental self needs development. To help a child reach his
full potential, it is necessary to recognize the child's developmental
needs and abilities. To be effective, after school programs should assist
children with tasks they must accomplish during each stage of development.

A child's growth curve can be divided into three main parts:
1) Young child (ages 3-5)
2) Middle school (ages 6-8)
3) Older school (ages 9-12)