
The cheetah is the fastest land animal. This big cat is a native of Africa and Central Iran. It is said that cheetahs can run as fast as 80 to 128km/h. This speed movement of cheetahs lets them hunt their prey faster.


Cheetahs have long and slender builds. They have long and slim legs. Black spots are covering their body, and they have a mark under their eyes, which are called tear marks. 


Cheetahs are vulnerable animals, and they are in threat of extinction. Their population keeps decreasing from time to time. It is said that there are only 6000 – 7000 cheetahs left in the world.




Cheetah adalah hewan darat tercepat. Kucing besar ini berasal dari Afrika dan Iran Tengah. Dikatakan bahwa cheetah dapat berlari secepat 80 hingga 128 km/jam. Gerakan cepat cheetah ini memungkinkan mereka berburu mangsanya lebih cepat.


Cheetah memiliki tubuh yang panjang dan ramping. Mereka memiliki kaki yang panjang dan ramping. Bintik-bintik hitam menutupi tubuh mereka, dan mereka memiliki tanda di bawah mata mereka, yang disebut tanda air mata.


Cheetah adalah hewan yang rentan, dan mereka terancam punah. Populasi mereka terus berkurang dari waktu ke waktu. Dikatakan bahwa hanya ada 6000 – 7000 cheetah yang tersisa di dunia.